GreaT NEWS (Eric Bodily's)
No one answered the last one we put in so I will print all the rest of the questions that I have record of.
Eric asked "Lehi belonged to what tribe of Israel?"
Linda asked "When the Nephites became discouragedd what did the Lord say to comfort them?"
Paul asked "Where in the scriptures is the stork mentioned?"
Brandon asked "What were the instructions given to Aaron and his sosns about sacrifices?"
Robert asked "Where in the scriptures is the discription about having your calling and elecction made sure?"
Renee' asked "How can you arrange for the Lord to direct your path?
Gr Alice asked "The Lord states his occupation. What is it?"
Delores asked "Where does it twll you what to do with your families so that you will always rejoice over them?"
Gr Alice asked "Was all of Noah's family saved from the flood?"
Kathy asked "How does the Lord want individuals to be organized?"
Randy asked Why do we all have to apprar before the Judgment seat of Christ?"
Barb asked "What did 3 of the Nephites (apostles) request of the Lord?"
These seem to be the only ones that were printed.
The answers are 2Kings2, 3N9, A10, Alma26;27, Jer8, Ex29, Alma 5:13-16,
Prov 3, Moses 1, Mosiah 4, Moses 8, D&C 88/112, 2Cor5, 3Nephi 28....
These answers were the ones listed on the Bookmark- I hope they are right.