Steve is 55 this month. Happy Birthday to a wonderful man! I can't believe I got such a goodie.
We thought we knew and loved each other when we got married 35 years ago...hah hah hah! The feelings I have for him now, are so much deeper and.... I guess mature...I never knew I could be so happy. I truly look forward to spending eternity with him.
Some of the things I really appreciate about him are:
The way he treats me. He is very kind and patient. He never belittles or makes fun of me in any way shape or form. He never chastises me for something I do wrong. (Like when I backed the car into a telephone pole and wrecked it.) He doesn't embarrass me in front of anybody ever.
I feel so safe with him and like I could tell him anything.
Some wives are afraid to pray in front of their husbands...I think that is so sad! But I realize that you have to feel a level of validation before you can really share your heart with the Lord in front of another person. Steve makes it easy for me to do that. We pray together every night. I'm so thankful I can do that.
Steve's highest priorty in life is me and the kids. He loves his family. He hasn't ever had alot of extra time to do things such as hobbies or stuff just for fun. (Between work and church...his free time is limited. ) However, if he could choose to do anything for a day, it would not be to go off and do his own thing...he would choose to be with his family. I think he would cut off his right arm, if he thought one of us needed it. We are upmost in his priority list.
Steve is good about letting me spend time with mom. He loves her, so no problem! He wants us to help her and honestly enjoys taking her along. He doesn't resent her company the least little bit. I'm so glad about that. He really loved and honored Dad too.He would say quite often, "Jack is my best friend."
Steve is very clean. I don't pick up after him. He likes our house to be pretty and clean and decorated. He is willing to spend money on house stuff. He says he enjoys it too. Isn't that such a cool thing for a wife? He also fixes things the minute they break. He has saved us hundreds and hundreds of dollars through our life, fixing things, quickly and perfectly. It's amazing to me how he knows how to maintain things in a home. Such a blessing!
Steve love the Lord. He loves to serve him and wants to do his very best. He spends alot of hour helping people. He doesn't take short cuts or skip interviews. He follows the hand book and is the keeper of the rules. He is very good with people. They like him. He cares about them and they can tell. He has had to handle some very delicate situations but with the help of the Lord, he has done it well.
One thing I've noticed is that it's hard for Steve to verbalize in writing what he wants to say. He just hates it. He hates to write. He just stares at the page and doesn't know how to even start! He stuggles to find the words to express himself.
However, when he lays his hands on someone's head, and with the authority of the Priesthood, the words just flow out of him. You can feel the Spirit and the words are there! I asked him once, how he does that when he can hardly write a thank-you note. He just shakes his head and says, "I don't know...the Lord helps me, I guess! " I can testify that He truly does! He has magnified him in this weakness and he is powerful!
I think he is so handsome. I fell in love with a man with dimples and they are still make my heart pitter pat! (He says they are a curse!) Not to me! ...I just love his big round head, dimpled cheeks and beautiful blue eyes. He reminds me of a gentle and wise. MY favorite outfit on him is his suit and tie. Ruuuttt Roooo!
Steve can be an absolute blast! Like when the kids come home or around the grands...he is really alot of fun! I love it when he laughs and is able to relax and enjoy himself because he can think of fun things to do and say. He always has a fun trick or a story or an idea. (And it doesn't cost a's just creative!)
Steve is so easy to please with meals. He'll eat anything and makes me think I'm a good cook. (I'm not!) But he never complains...we could eat the same thing everyday of the week...and he says it's "fine!" He likes me to sit by him when he eats.
Steve doesn't expect anything of me. He doesn't walk in the house from work and say, "Well, what have YOU been doing all day?" If I'm sitting in my housecoat painting or have talked too much on the phone...he doesn't care. Sometimes I'll confess, "I wasted this day!" He'll say, "Good!" I desire to do my part and help lighten his load but on the days I goof off, he's 0kay with it. Can you believe it?
When Steve was called to be the Stake Pres 6 years ago I felt inspired to make this statement: "He's good when no on is looking!' And that is still the truth. He is just so completely good, through and through. He has complete integrity. He is very unselfish with all that he has. He cares about people. He works hard to provide for us. He is never too busy for hisfamily. He balances everything well.
He is my better definitely my better half! in fact, I wouldn't want to go on without him. When he is here, I am whole. Everything is better and has more purpose and meaning. He is my joy, my answer to prayer, my everything!
Loves and hugs to you, honey!