Saturday, April 08, 2006

Spring Break and Rainy Weather

We did some traveling over Spring Break. We went to Washington to visit Rex's family (Randy's brother). We saw the Space Needle, Seattle underground, beautiful vista views of the Puget Sound (the ocean inlet), and the temple. The kids enjoyed the cousins-a lot of corresponding ages.
We got home on Monday, washed and repacked, leaving early Wednesday morning for Rexburg. We spent some time with the college kids- We got to see Kristin's art class, the Teton Dam site, hike R mountain, swim, and other fun together. We spent a quick night with Gr and Gr and headed back home, stopping to celebrate Payson's birthday and then home to enjoy conference.
We have had lots of moisture and the rivers are running high. The water was lapping at the edge of Highway 95(the main road into town) the middle of this week. When we went into mutual, there were some people using snowmobiles like jet skis on the "lakes" that had formed in the fields. Crazy!! There was a crowd of people on the sides watching them (including several police) What we won't do for entertainment in this little town!!! :-)
We love hearing from you and seeing your pictures.


bodily said...

Wonderful picture report! Thanks Kathie, your family does fun things. We love you. bb

Davies said...

I loved the picture of Randy and the boys on top of the mountain, and the lake in the background. BEAUTIFUL~

bodily said...

It must be nice to have everyone have a spring break at the same time. Lindas was the same week as yours, the kids don't have theirs until Easter weekend, and then it is just the Friday before, and the Monday after, bummer for them.

What fun Memories.