Monday, June 19, 2006

OPEN WIDE!! Abra sua boca!!

This June me and about 10 other student dentists went to Fortaleza Brasil on a dental mission. It was a great experience. I was able to work along side a dentist from West Palm Beach almost the whole time. We learned a lot and we were able to help quite a few people. I was also able to go visit some people I knew when I was a missionary there. I love the Brazilian people.



bodily said...

Ty you look so good! That poor little guy's just sitting in a kitchen chair..oh!!!! that makes me cry!

We don't know how lucky we are do we.? Sure glad you had that experience.

You and Kyla are growing so much and have the experiences of a life time.

I love you so much...mum

bodily said...

What a great exxperience Ty!
How cool to go back to your mission, especially so far away. Who would have dreamed that could happen.

Were you okay while he was gone, Kyla and kids??


bodily said...

I think it's so neat to see these doctors go out and do these service missions to people that need it so badly. I wish our Dentist was as good looking as Ty though:) Renee'