Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Scout Camp & World Series

The last two weeks have been busy with Baseball, Scout camp, girls camp, dance camp, and the World Series in Logan. This was a good year for the Bodily Boys. Andrew and Aaron were on Staff, Andrew was a commissioner, Aaron a counselor. Eric took his troop, which Tanner and Ben are a part of. During the week, Ben had to go back down to Rigby three nights in a row to play baseball, they were playing for the chance to go to the World Series in Logan, Utah. They ended up taking second place, the top two teams got to go to Logan.

The last night up at camp, Eric won the Scout Master Belly flop contest, you should ask him about it at the reunion.

Ben and a couple of the boys on his team, Tuesdays game got rained out, so Eric and I got the chance to go to the Logan Temple. We drove Ben by it later that night, he said it looked like a castle. What a pretty temple.

Bens team, The Ammon Knights, I thought that was a pretty cool name for a team. They ended up playing the other Idaho Falls team in the semi finals. This team (Westside) has beat us all three times that we played them, they always beat us by one point, so naturally we were a little concerned about what would happen. Our boys were able to pull it off, what a high tense game, we beat them by one point 7-6. As far as were were concerned that was our victory game. We then got to go on to play for 1st or 2nd place. We had too many errors, so ended up with 2nd place. They had five games to play and won 4 out of the 5. They did and awesome job.

Jessica had girls camp the week we went to Logan, and a dance camp. Aaron had to work, they worked in Grand Teton National Park for the week. Andrew and Tanner went up to Scout camp to work. So it was just Eric, Ben and Linda that got to go to Logan. Amazingly we even got to see Torrey in Logan for a few minutes. He was driving right next to us when we noticed him, so we pulled over and talked for a bit. Small world.


bodily said...

No surprise, Eric won the belly flop award!!! Neat pictures, priceless memories! Renee'

bodily said...

You guys have run all over. It makes me tired to think about it.
It was great to see you and that "Elder to be" at the reunion.