Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Eagle Court of Honor

We recently had a court of honor for Michael. There were four other boys involved. Some are going off to school and missions so they hurried to do that before they left. It involved two from our troop and three from the other ward. It was a nice occasion. The speaker told us that four out of every 100 boys that enter scouting, earn the eagle rank. He told us that when his nephew went into the military, he got an automatic rank advancement because he was an Eagle scout. He (the speaker) also told us that he needed to hire someone for a position at work. It was narrowed down to two people, both qualified. The eagle rank was the deciding factor for choosing the one they did.
Four of the boys had younger brothers and they did the flag ceremony.

Michael joins the other Bodily's in the "Eagle's Nest". I think we have a happy scoutmaster in heaven with all of you Bodily eagles!!


bodily said...

Great job Michael!! That is pretty darn impresseive!! So proud of you! Holly

bodily said...

Yes, Congratulations handsome eagle! YOu will not be sorry for making yourself do that! Good job!

bodily said...

Way to go Michael! Renee'