Sunday, May 14, 2006

A splurge from the Florida Bodilys

Well, we're not sure who is holding who in this picture, but we do know that Marissa is a big helper, and we think she's cute even when she's mad.
We had a fun Easter this year--Marissa and mommy love making things together. Marissa can be a daddy's girl too, though, always looking for an excuse to snuggle. She's quite the little photographer-she took this picture of me all by herself--"Mommy, I want to take your picture, JUMP!!!" and this is what we got! We started working on the articles of Faith and she has the first 2 memorized already. She is such an awesome, protective, helpful big sister to Chandler. We adore both of our kids! It's been so long since we've posted anything and most of you have never met Chandler, so I'm gonna splurge!!!Chandler is one today-- on Mother's Day--he is such a JOY. He is climber, and daredevil, but very sweet and mellow and smiley. He can walk now and just got his first big boy shoes! He loves to eat, and weighs nearly 25 pounds (no wonder I have tendonitis in my wrist and popped a rib out of place picking him up!) He can say da-da and ma-ma, and he adores his sissy. He has 7 teeth that get inspected a lot by his dentist-to-be-daddy. Ty hopes he's a football player for BYU. Love you all and please forgive me for bragging...Kyla
Love, Kyla and fam


bodily said...

What a beautiful family! What a chunk, and Happy birthday Chandler!

It is good to hear from you guys.

Aunt Linda

bodily said...

Kyla, loved the pictures, it's fun getting a peek at your life in Florida! Darling family! Renee'

bodily said...

What adorable kids!!
That Chandler is so cute..I can't believe he is that big....
Similar to Nathan and Kiersten's year two days after long Grandman's birthday

(My kids called Grandma Olsen long Grandma because it took a long time to get there-the name stuck.)

We loved seeing your pictures and hearing about what you are doing...

Davies said...

What a cute family you have! You need to splurge more often Kyla, we love hearing from you! You can tell you are a ballerina from your jumping picture. :) Love, HOlly