Friday, August 18, 2006

Salsa Recipe

Hey Bodily Fam!

Since this is the time of year to harvest our gardens and all the ingredients to make fresh salsa are in season I thought I would share this yummy Salsa Recipe. It is the best I have ever had!

12 Cups chopped tomatoes
3 Onions chopped
4 Green peppers chopped
2 T. Salt
3/4 Cup white vinegar
2 tsp. Pepper
1/2 tsp. Garlic salt

Add sugar to taste, start with 2 tsp. You can also puree all the ingredients depending if you like your salsa chunky or not. I puree mine.

Anyway just thought I'd share. We had a great time at the reunion!! We missed all of you who live far away! Love, Holly


bodily said...

Thanks Holly, We'll have to try it. It was fun to see you and your little family at the reunion. Brooklyn is so beautiful

bodily said...

I'll vouch for how delicious this is!!! It's like eating candy, but even better! Renee'